‘Wish You Were Here’ Online Concert

7pm Sat 23rd May - Thrilled to be part of the incredible artist line-up for ‘WISH YOU WERE HERE’! (Link in my bio).
A free online concert raising much needed funds for Irish support agencies in Australia during the covid-19 pandemic.
𝗥𝗦𝗩𝗣 𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗘 → http://bit.ly/WYWH20
There are almost 18,000 Irish temporary visa holders in Australia, and many of them are unable to access Australian Government assistance of any kind, leaving them in financial crisis. Returning to Ireland is not a straightforward option for those who have lost their livelihoods as a result of the pandemic, and many will be seeking urgent support just to cover basic expenses.
Tune into @troubadourpresents Facebook Page at 7pm Sat 23rd May for a massive line up of great artists and bringing to together of our communities to help others in need 💚 🇮🇪 🇦🇺 PLEASE SHARE THIS POST 🇮🇪 🇦🇺
Artists in alphabetical order:
Chris Kavanagh (Luke Kelly Tribute)
Damien Dempsey, Danny O'Reilly (The Coronas), Declan O'Rourke, Eleanor McEvoy, John Spillane, Luka Bloom, Lunasa, Mary Black, Mick Flannery, Mundy, Paddy McHugh, Panti Bliss, Paul Brady, Pauline Scanlon, Shane Howard (Goanna Band), The 2 Johnnies, Ulaid

#troubadourpresents #mickmchughmusic #chriskavanagh #damiendempsey #dannyoreilly #thecoronas #declanorourke #eleanormcevoy #johnspillane #lukabloom #lunasa #maryblack #mickflannery #mundy #paddymchugh #pantibliss #paulbrady #paulinescanlon #shanehoward #the2johnnies #ulaid #irishsupportagency #embassyofireland #consulategeneralofireland


National Reconciliation Week


Finalist for Best Male Vocal at NCEIA Awrds