Fighting for the one you love - Yourself!

Yes I'm living my dream. Yes love what I do, I chose it... but the truth is, I still do struggle at times in my life, I'm up and down. I first realised this when I was 22 and working as an engineer and got massive depression. I lost hope, there was no candle in the dark for a while, and I had to force myself to climb out of it and find that spark for life again. I went to counselling and also set myself the challenge of doing things in my life I had never done and had wanted to try - such as learning guitar, which is how I ended up on this amazing path - and I tried a variety of jobs along the way to find where I fitted in. I didn't ever want to feel that depressed again going to work. I've now being a full time singer-songwriter since 2007. And what I've discovered about myself is that it's not the job - it's ME. In every job I've done, I've had ups and downs. I've tried diets, books, giving up drinking... it seems that I'm the problem, lol!   To date, I haven't had as bad a depression as I did when I was 22, but sometimes I plummet, I can't answer calls or emails, and I want to avoid people. But it's like a wave ... it rises, it falls. The thing is, you may be living your dream but it's still a job - I still need to make my income and keep the roof over the family's head, pay for the car and food in our bellies. The difference is, to quote Bob Marley "You gotta find the ones worth suffering for". So many things are going to hurt you in this life, we all have our good days and bad. But we gotta reach out, talk to someone and find the things that are worth fighting for - Fight for yourself, fight for the life that you want, and for the world that you want to live in.  I love the life I've chosen, I love making people feel through music, and channelling my highs and lows into learning through my music with the aim of inspiring, I love connecting with people's stories, I love my wife and kids ....and I will fight my dark times for my life. Mp3 - "Johnny" by Mick McHughBelow is a song I wrote and recorded on my last CD, it's called "Johnny" and it's about loving the one within.[audio mp3=""][/audio]Bob Marley quote 2

Mick McHugh is running a crowd funding campaign via Pozible to record and release his Debut Studio Album - 3rd Feb to 4th April 2015. Click the link below to pre-purchase the album.


Pozible Crowd Funding Rewards - Psychic Reading Prize gone


Mick McHugh Pozible Crowd Funding Campaign