Beechworth Celtic Festival
This weekend, 7th-9th November, I'm looking forward to performing at Beechworth Celtic Festival in regional Victoria for the first time.Beechworth is well known for its links to the Kelly era. Many historic buildings have direct links to Ned Kelly including the Courthouse, where Ned was committed to stand trial for murder. Ned Kelly's mother, Ellen was also tried here for attempted murder in 1878.This is the festival's 20th year annual salute to its Celtic heritage. With an array of Celtic bands - The Likely Celts, Claymore, Saoirse, Aine Tyrrell and many more - to excite the music lover and the displays of pipe bands to stir the passions. Ticketed live music venues are located in its historic hotels and halls, with a free stage located in the heart of town. Demonstrations of traditional instruments like the Bodhran, a Celtic frame drum, & workshops for likes of the tin whistle & fiddle will offer unique learning opportunities.Major events include the Gala Celtic Dinner on Friday evening at the Old Priory, a great-fun Ceilidh on Saturday afternoon, and the Community Concert on Saturday evening, The Grand Parade, and Celtic Market.Mick McHugh performance times at Beechworth Celtic Festival 2014:Sat 8th Nov - Nicholas Hotel - 11:00-11:45amSat 8th Nov - Hibernian Hotel - 3:00-3:45pmSat 8th Nov - Tanswells - 6:00-6:45pmSun 9th Nov - RSL Lodge - 1:00-1:45pm